Friday, January 23, 2009

When you're Furloughed in Frisco, you take to the stage!

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. Tonight I make my debut at the infamous J'Lo Bennifer, super-star extraordinaire, ex-wife of many, and possible murderer of one.

You know you're intrigued. You know you want to go and see me in all my lipsticked glory as I deliver jewels of lines like:

"If it weren’t for this brilliant mystery writer, I wouldn’t have the starring role of ‘Nancy Drew, Valley-Girl Detective,’ in the upcoming music video based on Agatha’s new book, DEADER THAN A DOORNAIL."

But alas, this engagement is one night only, and all 140 tickets to "Murder in the Library" (performed in the San Leandro Public Library, of course) were given away (free) within 24 hours!

Did J'Lo Bennifer do it? Did I kill Agatha Mystery because she was having an affair with my my fifth husband, Rocky? Or was it the Governator? He's a character in the play you know, and it's quite possible he's the culprit. After all, Agatha was blackmailing him. The poor thing has a terrible gambling problem and didn't want Ms. Mystery to write about his obsession with lottery tickets in her next novel...

I'm sorry my furlouged friends, I really should have said something sooner about this brilliant opportunity for free entertainment. Lot's of Groceries didn't even get one of the highly sought after tickets! Unfortunately, you won't be able to help solve the mystery yourselves and will just have to wait to find out who did it...

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