Monday, December 29, 2008

When you're furloughed in Frisco you disappear for a bit...

only to reappear in La La Land. Living with your in-laws is much, much cheaper than trying to go it alone in SF. Besides, with so many friends to visit down here and hours upon hours of Rock Band tourneys to compete in, being furloughed has become down-right fun!

So far Lots of Groceries and I have:
- gone ice-skating to celebrate my birthday.
- eaten about twenty tons of cookies, candies, and cupcakes that his mom and sister baked.
- toured the US and Europe with Hunticle (our Rock Band group which features Lots of Groceries on Guitar, his sister on drums, and me singing).

- slept in until at least 11:00 am everyday.
- probably gained 10 pounds eating all the deliciously free food around here.

Anyway, it's been great. We anticipate being down here through New Year's, and will reappear in the City sometime after that.

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