Wednesday, December 17, 2008

When you're furloughed in Frisco you make GIANT cupcakes!

I love cupcakes!

One of the really fantastic things about being furloughed is having time to bake. On Monday night some of my furloughed friends and I got together for a holiday party, and considering that I didn't have to work all day, I decided to make the cupcake of all cupcakes.

This wasn't just any cupcake, this was a Queen Cupcake! One cupcake to rule them all!

You may be asking yourself, "what's so special about that? It looks like a regular, old chocolate cupcake."

Well, what you can't see from the photo above is that this cupcake is actually the size of my head!!! Here are Megann and I modeling the scale for you:

It was amazing. What more can you ask for?

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