Friday, December 5, 2008

When you're furloughed in Frisco you start blogging.

At least that's what I did. I mean, what else am I going to do? Bake copious amounts of cupcakes?

I shouldn't do that. It costs too much. (But I might do it anyway).

Let's get a few things straight. No, I'm not on furlough from prison or a branch of the armed forces. I'm on furlough from my regular, old, 9-5. Think of it as a temporary lay-off and a month without pay. During a recession. Just in time for the holidays. In one of the most expensive cities in the United States...

In other words, let the good times roll!

I'm trying to think positively about this whole experience. Someone recently suggested that I might consider the next month mandated rest and relaxation. I'd like to look at it that way. Really, I would. But just as I settle into the couch, gin and tonic in hand, my favorite junk show on tv, I remember that I have to figure out how to pay my rent and fill my refrigerator (no easy task when your fabulous hubby is nicknamed "Lots of Groceries"). And when the hubby and I aren't up to our elbows in possible dumpsters to dive, I'll need to fill my time.

That's where this blog comes in. It's the documentation of my quest to survive being furloughed in Frisco with style - and not have to move back in with my parents.

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